Have You Ever Tried Buying Left-Handed Guitars?

If you have ever tried to buy left-handed guitars you will know that whilst there are numerous right-handed versions in stock at any one time, the left-handed versions are generally not in stock, not available or on a long lead time. It seems like the ratio of lefty models available represent far less than the 15 percent of people that need that type of guitar.

The ability to go out and buy a guitar for lefties is generally accepted and understood as being more difficult, but it really should not be impossible.

I would wager that Jimi Hendrix, Paul McCartney and Kurt Cobain did not have to go traipsing around guitar shops looking for their famous left-handed Fenders and Hofners, but that is not a privilege bestowed on the majority of us. Mind you, Hendrix may have done as he never seemed to be able to find one.

Online there are a number of great places that you will be able to buy left-handed guitars. They even dedicate whole sections to them. I have even noticed that the once purely right-handed books and guides now have lefty versions. Clearly, it is easier for the internet stores to provide these services as they do not have to worry about shop fronts or small stock rooms.

At last, the left-handed guitar player can enjoy, more or less, the same choice as the right-handed player and not have to worry about doing a Hendrix.

Nowadays, I always think it looks a bit sad when a left-handed guitarist plays a right-handed guitar the wrong way up. It does not look cool, it just looks like you have borrowed a mates guitar, re-stringed it and turned it up the other way. How many right-handed guitar players do you see playing left-handed guitars? I rest my case.

So whilst the average left-handed person will still have to contend with door handles being on the wrong side, drink fountains being the other way around and even the mouse on their computer being designed for the right-hander. It does appear that in the world of guitarists the tide is changing and buying a non right-handed guitar is getting easier.

So the assessment that lefties tend to be more athletic, have better spatial awareness, more artistically creative and think more quickly can now be joined by the fact they can now more easily buy a guitar suitable to their inclination. Or maybe I am just a little biased.

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